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The Action & Support Group

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Heart-Centered Horse Professionals:

This is your home base of support to dream big, get help, and build a life you can LOVE in the horse business.


Open Q&A - Second Wednesday of every month

OCT 30th - What To Put On Your Website (or flyers)

For when you're tired of going it alone.

Key business trainings + ongoing support from the Transform Your Business (TYB) Team and a curated community of your peers designed to nurture your ideas and turn your dreams into realities.

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Flexible Plans: Join Monthly Or Save With A Yearly Plan.

Stay for one or a few months to get a project over the finish line, or stay for a year to make bigger transformations.

It's up to YOU!

The information and support in this program will pay you back many times over.

You just need to take the first step.

Not sure? Click below to talk to our team to see if it's a good fit for you.

Real Help From Real People.

We'll get you going when you feel stuck,

build your confidence when you have doubts,

and bring clarity when you feel confused about what to do next..

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Clare MaCloud, Equine Nutritionist, MSc RNutr

"I knew I needed help with my business but had no idea where to start. Karen’s TYB course gave me a solid platform on which to start, and for that I am eternally grateful!

I would encourage anyone who feels frazzled, burnt out, and lost, but loves their work and wants to make a proper business out of it to join the TYB course. If you take action with the coursework you will see a difference."

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The Transform Your Business (TYB)

Action & Support Group Includes:

Video Trainings and Worksheets on key topics of: Creating your new vision, attracting ideal clients, marketing, time management, leveraging, pricing & packaging

Monthly live group Action & Support calls: Where the magic happens! Zoom meetings with TYB Tutors and a community of your peers keep you accountable and on track with your plans. Get amazing support with exactly what you need from people who 'get it'. These will be recorded.

Quarterly bonus live calls with Karen Rohlf, the TYB Team, and Guest experts. We take a Deeper Dive on important topics. These will be recorded.

Business Blast session: 15 minute Private Power Sessions are your lifeline to get instantly clear on what to do next

Private Facebook Group: Reach out for help at any time. Make lasting connections.

Recommended Resource List: An ever-growing list of community-sourced resources for what you need

Private Coaching options available at an additional price for those times when you need more personal help.

For the love of the horse...

Our promise to you...

We promise to give heart-centered horse professionals a safe, nonjudgmental, and supportive place to navigate the ups and downs of creating a fulfilling, sustainable, and profitable business & life you can LOVE.

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Necessary information. Outstanding support.

It's time to own your value, charge what you're worth, and master your schedule.

We're here to help you thrive.

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Key Training Topics:

New Possibilities

It's time to stop, re-think your vision, and make a new plan. I'll give you the questions you need to be asking yourself in order to know what you really want. You'll hear examples of what is possible. By the end of this session, you will have written out your new vision and will have access to the support you need to get there.

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You will learn the importance of knowing the unique value you offer your clients. You'll get clarity around your unique value and will learn how to attract your ideal clients. This is the key difference between waking up feeling energized to go through your day or dreading your appointments! Those of you who 'hate marketing' will love this fresh perspective.

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Own Your Time

Learn how to master your time! Imagine having a schedule that works for you, instead of compromising for everyone else's demands. A Productivity Expert will walk you through a powerful exercise. Learn real-life tools to take charge of your weekly planning.

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Leverage is the key to giving more value to your students AND having more time and income. (Yes, it's possible!). You'll be walked through a simple and do-able example to get extra time and money every month. You will be excited about how implementing even a little leverage can have a big impact!

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Stop The Leaks

Learn simple things you can do to make your students show up more consistently so you have more income and more predictability to your schedule. We'll discuss pricing, payments, packages, and cancellation policies.

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Your Transform Your Business

Dream Team:

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Karen Rohlf - Creator of TYB Programs

Karen is the creator and leader of the For The Love Of The Horse: Transform Your Business programs. A life-long equestrian, author, clinician and trainer, Karen transformed her own business from a traditional 1:1 teaching/training model to a highly leveraged international platform. Karen has been helping and working closely with heart-centered horse professionals since 2017 through live events, Mastermind & Mentorship programs, Coaching, and this Action & Support group.

Karen is well-known for her student-empowering approach in everything she teaches. Creating non-judgmental, safe, playful learning spaces is a priority. She created these business programs after experiencing the lack of support available in this industry. The welfare of horses depends on the most caring and compassionate professionals being able to thrive.

"Together we can make the world a happier place for horses! Often it's the most compassionate professionals that have trouble with the business part of the horse business. It's hard to keep healthy boundaries around time, it's hard to raise prices, and it's hard to put oneself 'out there'. This Action & Support Group is the easiest way to get amazing help with what you need, right now. Never underestimate the possibility for things to improve in ways you cannot yet imagine."

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Heidi Lowthorp - TYB Tutor

Heidi is one of your two TYB Tutors on the monthly live calls. Heidi has been a professional in the horse industry for over 30 years and a rider and competitor for over 40. Being involved in many aspects of the industry and disciplines, Heidi has a multi-faceted approach to her business, Lowthorp Equine Consulting. She feels that those experiences, along with tools from Karen Rohlf’s Business Mastermind, help her to have a strong Life/Work balance. With a well built foundation for a sustainable business, she would like to help others fulfill their business dreams.

"One of the most difficult pieces for me was to have a strong Life/Work Balance. Having a family and a thriving horse business can be hard to juggle. Let me help you navigate a path to create your own perfect version of yourself and business."

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Niki Wilde Broadhead - TYB Tutor

Niki is one of your two TYB Tutors on the monthly live calls. Niki has been studying all facets of Horsemanship for over 25 years. While her study of horses has been extensive, she has found that she enjoys helping others most of all. She not only wants to help others train and enjoy their horses, but also have success with their horse businesses. Niki knows how hard it is to build an income-generating horse business that puts the horse first. Putting the horse first made her feel like she didn't "fit in" with other horse business models. It was through Karen Rohlf and her Transform Your Business Mastermind that Niki found her tribe and currently has multiple businesses in different levels of production. She has learned to embrace those differences and create a self-sustaining business that is thriving. She wants to empower other people to become all they can dream of becoming in the horse and business world.

"I know what it's like to think you can never make it in the horse business... But if I can do it, anyone can do it, and I would love to help! People say; "to be a millionaire in horses you have to start out being a billionaire". I can help you look outside your box and start doing the things you've been dreaming of doing."

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Donna Blem

Donna Blem is a part of the TYB Leadership Team. Donna is an avid horseman with a passion for helping people and businesses overcome barriers and challenges and be their best self. She has a business education and was co-founder and leader of a non-profit organization for 20 years, where she created and oversaw facility construction, developed and led 3 capital campaigns, created programs, prepared budgets, managed financials, developed policies and procedures, developed a complete volunteer training program, and managed a team of 150 staff and volunteers.

She is a versatile, highly adaptable professional and key problem-solver with a proven track record as executive director for nonprofits and has a reputation for setting high expectations, promoting individual/organizational goals attainment, and applying expertise to key aspects of executing organizational mission.

“I believe the horse world needs more professionals with integrity and a desire to create a safe learning space for horses and their humans. I understand the business pressure and I truly love helping professionals strategize, implement, and grow their businesses. My ultimate goal is to help them create their successful business in a way they can do what they really love the most, which is teaching and training.”

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TYB Community

YOU are an integral part of the TYB Dream Team!

This community may be the most powerful part of your success. Helping others is an effective way to build your own confidence and find solutions to common challenges. Learn from others, and learn as you help others. You are welcome to participate at any level you feel comfortable. Sometimes just knowing you are not alone in experiencing challenges can make all the difference. Together we will change the professional equestrian paradigm to one of compassion, support, and cooperation. Happy professionals = happy horses.

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What others have to say:

"Making BIG changes to my business is scary. This group helps me to make little steps every month.

Sometimes I also lose focus. Time goes by fast and before you know it, a month has gone by in which I only have been working IN my business and not ON my business.

This group helps me refocus on the goals I set every month."

Cindy Deman
Cindy Deman Horsemanship, Belgium

"I highly recommend Transform Your Business to anyone in or considering a horse business.

It will change the trajectory of your life and business."

Katy Pistole
Executive Director of Beautiful Brokenness

"What an amazing group of fun, creative, supportive people. It is so nice to be with a group of people who truly want to see you succeed and who have the knowledge and experience to help you.

I will definitely be putting the advice into place in my business. I can’t wait for all the new support you have planned for the group this year!
Thank you for always being there for us."

Lisa Luongo
Lisa Luongo Equine

Whether you are just starting your business, completely burnt out from working it for years, or somewhere in between, the Transform Your Horse Business Accountability Group is a wonderful support system. The group is filled with heart-centered horse professionals who support each other in a multitude of ways.

We discuss marketing and pricing strategies, leveraging your time and resources, and coping with challenges everyone encounters in the horse business.

The group is always available to help people discover new ideas or expand on ones they already have. There are people from multitude areas of expertise, so you can always find the help or connection you need.

Anna Fox
Equus Enlightened

This is for you if...

You need help creating a new vision, attracting ideal clients, time management, leveraging, pricing, or packaging.

You have ideas, but self-doubt stops you from implementing them.

You feel overwhelmed and don't know the best place to start making improvements.

You want more time and more profits but it seems impossible to make that happen.

You have no one you can talk to about business who understands this industry.

You need help marketing: You have no idea how to describe exactly how you are different than other professionals.

You know you need help making the changes you want to make.

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What does it cost?

You have 2 subscription options:

Most flexible: Join with a monthly subscription of $99/month for as long as you like.

Most savings & impact: Get more consistent support and save with a yearly subscription of $1000 (Saves you $188 over the year)

How long do I need to subscribe for?

Subscribe for exactly the length of time that works for you!
Join us for a few months to take a specific project across the finish line or take advantage of the yearly subscription savings if you have a bigger project, want longer access to all the training materials, or simply want to have help with the regular challenges that come up throughout the year.

Can I keep the training materials?

The training videos are an important part of this program. You have access to the live monthly calls, all the training videos and other course content as long as your subscription is active (training videos are not downloadable). Worksheets and the quarterly bonus webinar recordings are downloadable.

When are the monthly live calls?

The monthly calls occur on the second Wednesday of every month at 3 pm Eastern Time (same time zone as New York)

Are the live monthly calls recorded?

Yes. The magic of the live monthly calls is in the conversations so we highly recommend you make them live so you can ask your questions and get the benefit of the wisdom of the group. Keep in mind, if we do breakouts into smaller groups those cannot be recorded.
The recording of each month's call will be available to download until it is replaced with the newest monthly call.

Are the Quarterly Bonus calls recorded?

Yes! The Quarterly Bonus calls are recorded. Active subscribers can access the recording inside the course platform.

What do we do on the live calls

The live calls are run by the TYB Tutors and are a combination of Q&A, group discussion, breakout smaller group discussions, and masterminding, depending on the needs of the attendees. It is facilitated to help you get the help you need from the TYB Team and the wisdom of the community. It is a safe, non-judgmental place to share your challenges and celebrate your successes.

Can I join for just 1 month?

Yes! With the monthly subscription you can choose how long to subscribe. The payments will happen automatically every month, but you can cancel at any time (or email us if you have trouble). You are in control!
You can do one month to get help with a specific project, or stay as many months as you need to get the support you need.


Flexible Plans: Join Monthly to stay for one or a few months to get a project over the finish line,

Or Save With A Yearly Plan to make bigger transformations.

It's up to YOU!



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